Month: February 2024

Self Portraits of Room 4

Last week Room 4 started their self portraits. The self portrait we chose to do was easy and fun.

First we watched a video and step by step folded our papers for guidelines and then drew half of our faces.

Next we wrote our names as stick figures and then outlines it with block shapes.

After that we outlined everything with a sharpie and then erased any pencil marks that was left.

We then had to colour our faces and hair and our names using crayons. The reason we used crayons was that after colouring our faces, we used dye for the background, so using crayons was important not to stain our faces  accidentally  with the dye.

Finally we could dye the background. It was important that if we used warm colours for our name then we would have to use cold colours for the background and vice versa.

Everyone had so much fun and made beautiful self portraits.