Month: March 2023

Taniwha Art

On Friday we embarked on a journey to learn about the Tāniwha of the Tamaki river, a mythical creature from Maori culture that is said to inhabit New Zealand’s waterways.

To start our lesson, we explored the history and significance of Tāniwha to Maori culture. We talked about how they were considered to be guardians of the river and protectors of the people who lived nearby. We also discussed the importance of respecting the Tāniwha and the river, as it is a vital part of the ecosystem.

After learning about the Tāniwha, it was time for the students to create their own designs. We used Google Images to look at different representations of Tāniwha and discussed their unique characteristics. Then, the students were asked to sketch their own Tāniwha, incorporating some of the features that they found most interesting.

Next, we moved on to the colouring process. I introduced the students to the colour wheel and discussed the concept of complementary colours. We talked about how complementary colours are opposite each other on the colour wheel and how they create a pleasing contrast when used together.

The students were then given oil pastels to add colour to their Tāniwha drawings. Some chose to blend colours while others preferred to use a more vibrant style. Many students chose to use the complementary colour scheme to make their Tāniwha really stand out.

Overall, this lesson was a great success. The students were enthusiastic about learning and creating, and I was thrilled to see them engaging with the material in such a meaningful way.